Love nature? -Sandankyo 三段峡-

This picture is taken in Sandankyo in summer.
Sandankyou means 3 steps canyon and this is one of the representative tourist attraction in suburb Hiroshima.
It's a scenic beauty place accredited by the Japanese government. That means this place is protected by those random developments. You will see the pristine environment.
There are many beautiful water falls there. Sandan-daki(3 steps water falls) is the most famous one.
Especially in this season, you will see an amazing view with autumn leaves.
There is a trail along the river and there is also a nice suspension bridge!
The water is very clear and the air is very refreshing. You will meet lots of wildlife.
I started my hike from the very bottom of the trail and it took 5 hours to get out from it(one way takes 5 hours!!).It was already a little dark and I had no choice but to take a taxi to go back to the place where I parked my car. It cost a lot!!! ;(
So, if you are interested in hiking there ,I recommend you to go there in the morning and should check the time schedule for the transportation first.
Access: Bus
( Hiroshima bus center- Sandankyo 80-120min ¥1200(one way))
More pictures (Japanese only):
