Hiroshima and Onomichi are both port towns but they are very different actually.
Hiroshima is in the west of Hiroshima Prefecture but Onomichi is in the east.
The population of Hiroshima is 1.1 million and that of Onomichi is 150,000.
Hiroshima is the prefectural capital but Onomichi is a small local city.
Hiroshima was bombed but Onomichi was not.
Hiroshima has Okonomiyaki but Onomichi has Ramen.
Hiroshima is flat but Onomichi is hilly.
Hiroshima has a World-heritage but Onomichi has many temples.
Hiroshima has a good access to Miyajima Island but Onomichi is a base to travel Shimanamai Islands.
Hiroshima has J-Hoppers but Onomichi hasn’t.

Onomichi city taken from Senkoji Temple
Hiroshima City from Ryuo Koen Park
I love both towns. If you are visiting Hiroshima, please try Onomichi, too.
For tourists from eastern Japan, Onomichi is on the way to Hiroshima. There is a Shinkansen station, too (Shin-Onomichi Sta). If you are already in Hiroshima, it is also a good idea to make a day trip to Onomichi.
It is very easy for JR pass holders. For who doesn’t have JR pass, bus would be a cheaper way (2,700 yen for a return ticket) If you take a JR local train without JR pass, the cost is 1450 yen for one way (around 80 minutes)