Do you know MUJI? It's a Japanese company (
http://www.muji.net/) that sells clothes, stationery, food, furniture etc. and their concept is '' good quality things with no name brand''. I do like this MUJI shop and I often go one of their shops in Kyoto. Their products are simple and a bit cheap but fashionable. I found their branches in London and Turin when I was there.

You can buy MUJI products in overseas, however, don't you feel like going to their shop in Kyoto? In Japan, they manage also cafe called 'Meal MUJI' or 'Cafe MUJI' and you can eat cheaply (It depends what and how much you order, though).
Now there's only one MUJI shop in Kyoto and it's in city centre. While you're looking around this shop, you'll be healed by their original music.
MUJI has already become a big name brand (for me)!!