Mother's day

The second Sunday in May is Mother's day in Japan - Yes, it's tomorrow.
I wonder who came up with Mother's day, but I think it's good day to say "Thank you" for our mother as you might know, Japanese are not really good at showing their emotion.
I went to Hankyu department (one of famous department store in Osaka) on the other day to buy a present and the mother's day gift sections were decorated with carnations (It's the symbol for mother's day in Japan) and are very crowded with girls, boys, children with their mother..
I stood in the LONG checkout line and of course I hate it.
But I thought while I was waiting,
"There are so many people come to buy presents for their mother.
That means they LOVE their mother. Filled with love!
Then I felt very happy to being there.
By the way, we are going to have a party tomorrow
We serve French style Crepe and Gyoza(Dumpling)!
Who cook French style Crepe? Pascal, of course!
Gyoza? We Japanese staff!
Who would like to join us? We still have a few vacancies for tomorrow and Anybody welcome!
Will you come with your mother??