Hidden Maiden Gorge

This is a report of Otome Gorge and waterwalls.
Otome means "maiden" in Japanese.
Maiden gorge... sounds kind of hidden.
The hidden gorge is a little south of Gero Hotspring town.
We started after nine, driving route 41, turning in a mountain road and arrived in one and a half hours.
The walking route is rich in variation. Sometimes wooden stairs, sometimes narrow rocky track, sometimes riverside drop-off. We had to get a bit hustle in some parts and it was a very intereresting walking (a little bit climbing). It is for about 1 hour one way.

There are 2 main waterfalls around the end of the walking course.
One of them (Odaki=Man Fall) is very easy to find and the other (Medaki=Woman Fall) is not. I am not sure but both waterfalls are about 50m high ??. They are gorgeous! I was taking some photos about 100 away from the waterfall but I felt quite strong wind pressure and sprays of water.

Downstreams are also amazing.
Most of all, water is incredablly clear. Look, it is cristal-clear blue.
Various streams entertain us on the way and way back.

Unfortunately there is no access by public transportation. J-Hoppers Takayama hostel sometimes organize a small walking and waterfall-watching tour with a small fee. You may have chance to see the splendid nature.