Utsue Forty-eight Waterfalls and The Forest of Wild Flowers

Into the wild, where one can find peace; very soothing atomosphere and it refreshes the spirit. .
It's such a scene during May and August.
The waterfalls are about a couple minutes away from the wild flower park.
It takes about 60 mins to get to the top (1200 meter high)
May ~ June: Japanese Primrose (クレンソウ(九輪草)
June ~ July: Bamboo Lily (ササユリ (笹百合)
July ~ August: Hydrangea (アジサイ (紫陽花)

Get on the JR from Takayama station heading towards Inotani
Get off at Kokufu statioin (about 10 mins from Takayama station)
There's a free shuttle bus that one could utilize to go to the near by hot spring
another 10 mins. on the bus, you shall commence to see and smell the wonderworld!