Cycling, Lunch, in Uji
New Green tea and nice breeze wind season are coming!!
The other day I went to Uji city with my buddy.
I pedaled about 1 hour for south from J-Hoppers Kyoto.
Do you know 'Nakamura Tokichiro' ? This is one of the famous green tea restaurant in Kyoto.
The days lunch was 'green tea buckwheat noodles with fresh wasabi'.
If you are not Japanese young TV comedians, you have to mix wasabi with noodle soup securely.
Otherwise, you must take a big reaction :-p Or you wept about strong wasabi taste.
In my case, ...I'm not TV comedian(and not young?)...I wept..;-(
Ah, they have a branch in Kyoto station, too! Nakamura Tokichiro's web page link as below;
If you try green tea buckwheat noodles with wasabi' you have to mix !! Don't miss it!!