Hida Takayama Matsuri
Last week, we went for the 3rd time to Hida Takayama where we had a great two days off as usual. This time it was for the Spring Matsuri, one of the three most beautiful festivals in Japan. And I must say that it's truly gorgeous. The floats' decorations are very detailed, rich and plentiful. It made me love these floats even more than those of Gion Matsuri. The procession too is interesting, especially for the lion dances which feature up to 8 lions at the same time. Actually I couldn't stop taking pictures, and couldn't make up my mind on which I should upload here. Then I've made this patchwork. Pictures are a little bit small but I hope you will enjoy it. At the end there are pictures of our little hike in the mountains looking for some gorgeous waterfalls. The water is still crystal clear and the air so pure. We came back completely refreshed ! Thanks to Iida-san (was the bus ride on the way back safer ?), Kurokawa-san (had a good lunch ?), Papi-san (could you see your husband ?), Matsushita-san (how is your back ?) and Harada-san (Sorry no pictures of Josh !)
