International Party in J-hoppers Osaka

We host an international party every Friday night.
Recently Aya, a leader of the party, has changed light meal for you to enjoy Japanese culture and food .
Recently Aya, a leader of the party, has changed light meal for you to enjoy Japanese culture and food .
We had Osechi( new year dish ) party in the beginng of this year, Gyoza party in Chiese new year, and we are going to have Setsubun party on the day before the beginning of spring.
I took this picture in the last week 's party.
We were very happy that many people joined and had a great time here!
All of them were expecting to get to know each other.
No need to hesitate to introduce your self.
These spontaneous smiles prove everththing.
By the way, this is a video in the party :)!/jhoppersosaka
Admission fee is free if you are staying here.
1drink is 300yen, but light meals are free!
Party stars from 19:00.
If you visit Osaka, please do not miss this party!
This is the best chance to meet many travelers/friends :)
Branch hostels in Hiroshima, Kyoto, Takayama have this kind of events as well.
We hope we can help your trip to be wonderful!!!