Cranberry juice

I am big fan of cranberry juice!!!!!

I tried it first time in Vancouver, since then I have been addicted to cranberry juice:D
I have tried sparkling cranberry juice in America and it was really good!

I could have it everywhere in restaurants in America, but not here.
It's pretty rare, Ive never seen in a convenient store.

This is my favorite brand , Ocean Spray

I sometimes asked my friends or brother to get cranberry juice in their trip:D
I am BIG FUN of it!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard they don't have Fanta Melon in America from my boyfriend.
It was pretty surprising!
And another friends said the taste of Japanese Fanta Orange and Grape is much better than American one!

Same Fanta but taste different! Interesting:D

If you come to J hoppers Osaka, please bring cranberry juice for me:P


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