Time fries as arrow 歳月不人待 My review YEAR 2014

Hi! This is Kimie From J-Stay

It's Only remaining less than two weeks! 
We call December as rush month because even though monk needs to rush. At the same time it is the time for reviewing year.
So I want to follow this custom with pictures I took.

New family member joined us. My brother got married so I got sister in law. It was one of my dreams.

Ise trip with my dad
Home made food for New year 

February: big my birth day party 

Inmemorable birthday party ever!

Change to vegitarian !?

Joine Relay race with boss 

Ise trip with guest of shareouse I managed. 

May: Found rainbow circle by coincidence 

Guion Festival & BBQ party by J-Stay

TRECKING in Kyoto with my trecking partners

Set up Work Shop about stained glass artist from Kyoto and Spain September and Octorber 

OPENING Three sharehouse 

My first lecture about Guest House and Sharehouse in Osaka 

Trip to Nagano with my previous roommate in Mexico city on November 
First harvest Kaki in my farm 

My first Futsal Experience on December 

Thank you for every meeting I had this year, people, books, movies, art and time.

"All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives." by Steven Speilberg

FIND new person next year. LET'S start cleaning UP, OSOJI

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_newyears.html#o68YyfhJljlQtbio.99



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