Tateyama kurobe alpine route open!!

I went to Tateyama kurobe alpine route

It takes 3hours drive from Takayama to Tateyama  which is a starting poing of  Kurobe Alpine route. You can go from both sides (Tateyama or Ogizawa)

Route is known as the Roof of Japan. The route passes through the dynamic scenery of Mt. Tateyama in the Japan Alps. It is traversed using a variety of vehicles with an elevation change of 2400 meters from Toyama Prefecture to Nagano Prefecture.

It was open 3 days ago.I went there with our guests.

It was sunny day so that we could take nice photos.

The highlight of this trip was snow wall in Murodo on top of the moutains.

The height is 19m.It was amazing!!

You can see this snow wall until June.

Kurone Alpine route is open until Novemer.


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