!! Strengthening physical fitness !!
Hello everyone:)
I'm MAYU from J-Hoppers Hiroshima.
I am 32 years old, then I feel that I'm getting old year after year...
I like drinking with my friends. I could drink all night
2 years ago...
And next morning, I had no problem with my work at all.
I did need only 3 hours to sleep and recover.
I was really tough.
But now...
I need more than 6 hours...
There is no choice to drink all night...
I can not keep wake me up till late night.
Then... I have decided to do something for my aging body.
When I was young, like a student, I was very good at running
long distance. I like it now too.
So... I go for running once a week.
And someday, I'd like to participate in the big marathon race.

I hope that my body will be tough again and drink all night:)
It's very important about tools to keep my motivation.
I need to get good running wear and nice shoes, a cap and so on.
My wish is that my body watch will be slowly and
sometimes get it back by myself!!
Keep trying to do something!!