GO GO Hiroshima!
Hi,this is Ena from Hiroshima Hana Hostel.
Yesterday, I went cheering for the national high school baseball championship(全国高校野球甲子園) for the first time.For a long time,it was what I wanted to do.I finally did it! Of cause,I supported a team from Hiroshima.
Originally,I had a plan to visit my relative who lives in Kobe with my mother and her sister.
However,something came up to him afternoon and we met him in the morning and we said bye to himr before lunch time. When we were leaving there,I realized that the baseball game for Koryo( 広陵)high school,from Hiroshima, against Sendai Ikuei (仙台育英)high school,from Miyagi, will start at 1PM and it takes less than 1hour from whrere I was to the stadium.
I contacted my friend who lives in Osaka.We decided to go in order to watch the game since she was free.
I had been to the Koshien stadium for the professional baseball game.(but not for the high school one)However,the atmosphere was totally different.Everyone was ... cheering hard and emotionally. I could not believe that it is the same stadium as which I had been to.
The result was satisfactory.We won the game!
I and my friend shared the happiness with people who were sitting next to us.
Even we did not know each other,we enjoyed and had a great time together.
The next game is the semifinal of the tournament tomorrow.
I can not wait the game!!!
Now Hiroshima is really hot on baseball.Not only the Koryo high school but also our professional baseball team,Carps is going TOP for this season now. I can not help hoping that both of them will be a champion!
GO Koryo High school! Go Carps! GO GO Hiroshima!
Yesterday, I went cheering for the national high school baseball championship(全国高校野球甲子園) for the first time.For a long time,it was what I wanted to do.I finally did it! Of cause,I supported a team from Hiroshima.
Originally,I had a plan to visit my relative who lives in Kobe with my mother and her sister.
However,something came up to him afternoon and we met him in the morning and we said bye to himr before lunch time. When we were leaving there,I realized that the baseball game for Koryo( 広陵)high school,from Hiroshima, against Sendai Ikuei (仙台育英)high school,from Miyagi, will start at 1PM and it takes less than 1hour from whrere I was to the stadium.
I contacted my friend who lives in Osaka.We decided to go in order to watch the game since she was free.
I had been to the Koshien stadium for the professional baseball game.(but not for the high school one)However,the atmosphere was totally different.Everyone was ... cheering hard and emotionally. I could not believe that it is the same stadium as which I had been to.
The result was satisfactory.We won the game!
I and my friend shared the happiness with people who were sitting next to us.
Even we did not know each other,we enjoyed and had a great time together.
The next game is the semifinal of the tournament tomorrow.
I can not wait the game!!!
Now Hiroshima is really hot on baseball.Not only the Koryo high school but also our professional baseball team,Carps is going TOP for this season now. I can not help hoping that both of them will be a champion!
GO Koryo High school! Go Carps! GO GO Hiroshima!