No smoking, please.
It has been a day since I decided to quit smoking.
I'm now trying out myself how hard my life without cigarette could be.
So I got App called " Kin-en watch ( No-smoking watch )".
This genius App informs you how long it has been passed since you stopped smoking + how much money you saved up while not buying cigarette in this term and so on.
It is very good one because you can actually see how long the time passed and also can visualize how much your body has been recovered from the chemicals just like nicotines, tar...etc.
It's fun!

I can control my desire for cigarettes now and it wasn't as hard as I expected so I think I will be able to quit smoking completely someday soon.
(I know it's been just ONE day but it feels like a week for me. Outrageous!)
If you are a smoker and planning to be one of the people with healthy pink lung some day, just get the app and look up on internet collecting right information to keep motivating yourself.