A Happy new year day!
Belated a happy new year everyone!
This is Shiori from J-hoppers Hiroshima.
By the way, how was your new year holidays?
Me? We had a party at J-hoppers Hiroshima on New year's Eve!💛
Originally I brace myself that I finish working at 22:00 on new year's eve and sleep at reception and start woking at 8:00 am on new year day. So everything like as usual!!
But Shiz chan and Haruko-san, Kie chan of our staff, and special little boss rickey came here and cooked okonomiyaki and many things as volunteer for guests and me!!!

So they made me my first of year in 2018!! Thank you very much!😭😭😭
And also I appreciate the guests who joined us!!💓
We celebrated a new year by Scottish style!! It was so much fun and interesting.
After that we went to shrine to pray by Japanese style.
''Wish I get marry and lose weight around -10kg in 2018. 👏👏👏''

I laughed a lot beginning of year!!😂 Thank you very much for everything!
May this year be full of smiles for everyone!!