Must Go!! Cool & Weird Hidden Spots in Osaka. Osaka Fun Guide 2019

Osaka is full of life.

After 4 years of Kyoto life, I finally started exploring more of Osaka. Why? If Kyoto is very historical and sophisticated place, Osaka is definitely a place where you see real people, lively, sometimes chaotic, warm and scary.

This time, I decided to visit three different places I wanted to go that I heard about from my friends.

1. Mazura Kissaten

Kissatten is Japanese-style tearoom/coffee shop which is usually retro.
Mazura has so much of 70s vibes, space themed seats and luxury lights. It's been loved by people since 1947...! I call this place "retro future".

2. Misono Universe

OMG another 1970s legendary place in Osaka, this hotel complex is now filled with hipster small bars.

3. Momoiro Uchu 

This building called Mittera Kaikan is not far from the famous Dotonbori, and it definitely is Shinjuku Golden Gai of Osaka.
One of the small small bars is called Momoiro Uchu, owned by Junko san who is super low-key and cool lady with her style. Now she is trying to spread her own sticker all around the world, so you can join her project!

I love Osaka so much, it would still take forever to explore! Let me know if you have some recommendation of cool places to go!


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